Search Tutor
TUTOR is one of the largest provider of Live Online Tutoring in the world, with
a large pool of richly experienced, highly qualified and rigorously trained tutors
serving the educational needs of students around the country. Live private lessons
are lessons where the student will have the chance to sit down with a live tutor
for one-on-one live tutoring session on material that the teacher presents to the
students. Students may also send a list of problems in advance for the teacher to
discuss solutions in the upcoming session. Payments are accepted by PayPal secured
system. Students are free to choose teachers as their requirement .Students may
take previously recorded lessons to evaluate and select a teacher to work with.Try
us once and you will stay with us for ever.
Destinations of Your Holidays |
Hospital Booking & Bill Payment |
Hospital, a new concept revealing for the first time which is recomended by Govt of West Bengal depertment of planning for implementation in large scale, providing
the facilities to the people such as they can search Hospital via selecting country,
state and district. Just set those three criteria and you’ll get all the hospitals
in your particular area. Just choose your hospital and view all the information
you want to know such as Department list, Doctor’s list and available Bed list.
Patients can take admission in indoor section also they can go for the outdoor section
from their home as per their requirement. Online Hospital is also providing you
with the system of checking your admitted patient’s details such as Treatment details,
Blood Test Report details, Investigation details and Bill details through internet.
Anyone can pay their patient’s
bill from any part of the world. This revolutionary system opens the door
to the people to search and take admission in their desirable hospital just by few
clicks in the internet. Two new features of this system are
Blood Bank &
Ambulance Service. By which people can search Blood bank and Ambulance
at their nearest location in a few second. We hope more and more people will be
benefited in the world by this system. We offer a customer friendly and efficient
24×7 online Customer support for any kind of help.
Hospital is the most secure place where you can book beds in a hospital or pay the
patient’s bill. Here we closely verify the hospitals before including it in our
worldwide hospital chain eliminating the chance of fraud. So, the hospitals you
see are authenticated and genuine. Whenever you book a bed through our Online Hospital
System, it is recommended that you reach the hospital within 24 hours of booking.
In case if you can’t you can always call the customer care of the hospital. Now
coming to the money transaction, we do it through which is world’s largest, most secure and
authenticated money transaction system. As soon as you pay and your transaction is successful,
which depends on providing correct information, you will get a bill against your
ID providing you the authentication of a valid user.
How helps you?
is the world largest web application. Millions of visitor per day visit this site.
Visitor can book your hospital directly from this site. It is the right place for
you to swell your business globally.
Easy Payment system
You can use your own paypal ID for online transaction. If you do not have a Paypal
ID visit and
Sign up for a new free business account.
Login as Administrator and submit your Paypal ID. Hospital booking amount &
patient bill amount directly goes to your Paypal account.
It is 100% safe and secure is the world
largest and most secure payment gateway. 90% merchant account in the world use paypal
for their online transaction.
Instant booking notification in your mail. does not charge you for online booking.
Use your own control panel
Hospital can -
also use the system for patient admission using own patient department user id and
view patient details & payment details of each patient.
insert/edit/modify department, bed & doctors of the hospital.
put up notice and upload pictures.
create patient medical report, transfer patient from bed to bed or department to
department, create bill & also receive the bill on the spot.
We offer a user
friendly and efficient 24×7 online Customer support for any kind of help.

Search & Book Hotel |
Our simplified services of hotel booking are different
and customers-friendly – a home away from home - that further feed the requirement
of international travelers by its online hotel booking. The moment you click on, the entire range of our online hotel reservation starts where
we stand by our promises and prices and above all the human values behind the modern
technology. Our network of hotels covers all the location of India & Abroad with
inclusion of all types of hotels starting from heritage hotels to budget hotels.
Our hotel guide covers all details of Hotels or Holiday Home that help a lot before
booking confirmation. Sitting at any part of the world, the tourists and travelers
have an option to view the status of each room of hotels where they are interested
to rent a room thus accumulating a whole new elevation in the history of online
hotel booking giving it just the right bend in favor of the travel happy society.
We are accepting the payments through credit card. Almost all the 3 star, 4 star
and 5 star hotels have multi-cuisine restaurant, so no matter from which continent/s
you belong. Our Online Hotel Booking is backed by the superior technology including
24×7 online customer care to solve your queries instantly.
To search & Book Hotel |
Hotel Booking is the most secure place where you can book room in a hotel. Here
we closely verify the hotels before including it in our worldwide hotel chain eliminating
the chance of fraud. So, the hotels you see are authenticated and genuine. Now coming
to the money transaction, we do it through which is world’s largest, most secure and authenticated money
transaction system. As soon as you pay through and your transaction is successful, which depends on providing
correct information, you will get a bill against your ID providing you the authentication
of a valid user. To prevent unauthorized access, we maintain reasonable physical,
electronic and organizational procedures to protect Personal Data against accidental
or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, or unauthorized disclosure
or access. To protect credit card transactions currently uses
Secure Socket Layer technology to encrypt credit card information during transit.
Are you interested to make your hotel Worldwide?
Do you want to increase your online booking?
Do you really take your online booking seriously?
If your
answer is YES for the above listed questions, you are at the right place. If you
are looking for the extra booking for your hotel, and want to add your hotel to, we welcome you to one of the largest hotel reservation network
available over the internet.
How helps you? is the world largest
web application. Millions of visitor per day visit this site. Visitor can book your
hotel directly from this site. It is the right place for you swell your business
Easy Payment system
You can use your own Paypal ID for online transaction. If you do not have a Paypal
Id visit and
Sign up for a new free business account.
Login as Administrator and submit your Paypal id. Hotel booking amount directly
goes to your Paypal account. is the world largest and most secure payment gateway. 90% merchant account
in the world use paypal for their online transaction.
Instant booking notification in your mail does not charge you for booking online
Use your own control panel
Hotel can also use the system for
room booking using your own user id and password. Hotel can view booking details
/ payment details of web and hotel own booking.Hotel can edit room details, picture,
hotel picture and album.Put up a notice/package/Special offer, Seasonal offer and
Corporate offer for their customer.
Why distinct from other
No commission based model
Instant payment system
Dynamic payment gateway
World largest web application
Millions of visitor per day
24x7 Customer care
Worldwide acceptance
Project Market Place |
Market Place is an online workplace where businesses connect with qualified professionals
to get work done.
With the largest network of certified
technology and creative talent, Project Market Place leads businesses to success
by connecting them with efficient people to accomplish the work. Project Market
Place facilitates the entire work process from hiring to collaboration to payment.
Companies (Service Buyer) tap
into Project Market Place’s skilled, talented, qualified professionals to distribute
their work whenever they need it, while professionals (Service Provider)
use Project Market Place to meet numerous clients or customers, stay autonomous
and get paid for delivering great outcome.
Work procedure Project Market Place provides a standardized way
to post projects and receive proposals, hire, manage, and pay for results, and also
enables cooperation, tracking progress and providing feedback.
Easy payment system In Project Market Place money is transferred
from buyer to provider as per their milestone settlement. Payments from Companies
(Service Buyer) are transferred directly to the service provider's
account through world’s most reliable web based money transaction system
Project Market Place provides an immediate, cost-effective and flexible
way to hire, manage and pay independent professionals online.
Buyer choose Project Market Place for
Flexibility: Staff up when you need it, scale back when you don’t.
Results Orientation: Pay for actual results received (output) versus
billable hours (input).
Predictable Cost: Milestone based payments help prevents runaway costs.
Control: Release payment from Escrow when requirements are met.
Work procedure
Hire efficient professionals >>
Monitor the work >> Pay
for desire result
(Service Provider) use Project Market Place to
meet clients or customers, stay autonomous and get paid for delivering excellent
Why provider choose Project Market Place?
Access to client : huge number of buyer search efficient provider to
develop their project cost effectively.
Efficiency : Maximize your productivity by using the Project Market Place
Work System.
Predictable Payments : Work with confidence when payments are held in
guarantee .
Control : Work where-ever, whenever and for whomever you want.
Project availability : thousand of buyer uploading their projects from
all over the world.
Choose Client >> Successfully conclude the Project
>> Get paid.
Search projects
as per project category and view project details.Then bid on project(s).
Connect with friends and family using scraps
Invite new friends to share
the experience
Upload pictures and passions
all in one place
Search Your Desired Job is the
World’s largest website. One of the functionality of this website is job searching
(for candidates) and candidate searching (for recruiters).You should know why you
need to create an account in's jobsite.
To download application form, appear/apply for online examination, all types
of job searching, suitable canditate searching or for other job related services
Why should I create an account?
Creating an account at gives you access to features that will
help you find your dream jobs. Tools like personalized saved searches and the ability
to block specific companies from viewing your resume. Other tools include Job Forwarding,
Job Messenger, Interview Tips. What’s more, after creating an account with us, you
can take advantage of our resume wizard allowing you to post your resume online,
searchable by hiring companies.
Why distinct from other?
Huge number of job opportunities.
online examination system Online examination is a new technique
to conduct an examination through internet...more
E-campus opportunity
In E-campus system a candidate or job seeker can join
as a member of his/her college by searching his/her college or institution name.
Companies or recruiters can see candidates or job seeker's resume online and can
organize a virtual campus by selecting jobseeker or candidate as per their requirement.